I’ve been travelling for 12 years to 59+ countries, and this ebook will explain HOW!
This e-book is a 93-page guide to show how many ways there are to work whilst travelling the world!
I understand how overwhelming it is trying to figure out ways to travel full-time whilst not having huge amounts of savings. There are also SO MANY ways to work & travel that it can be super confusing!
So this ebook breaks down the ways I have done it to help you plan your adventure!
It gives info to the following topics:
- Working Holiday Visas
- Working for accommodation inc. the basics of content collaborations with accommodation
- Seasonal jobs
- Tour leading
- Teaching English Online
- Fully Remote Job/ Digital Nomad for beginners
- Also: stories and photos from my personal experiences over the years
It is also full of clickable links that link you directly to useful recourses & take you to appropriate pages in the ebook!